

  • Build an Axios API that implements a cancellable request caller that can be cancelled by redux sagas.

  • Accepts default Axios options.

  • Returns an object with { api, sagaApi } where api is the cancellable axios API, and sagaAPi is an abstraction that uses api to simplify make API calls using redux sagas (see below).

Sample usage:

const { api, sagaApi } = createApis({
    baseUrl: '',
    timeout: 1000

const req = api.get('/todos');


if (true) {
    // Manually cancel this request


The base api object allows you to make regular API calls from anywhere in your app. This is basic axios stuff, with an added cancel function with every request.

api.get(path, options)

api.put(path, payload, options)

api.patch(path, payload, options), payload, options)

api.delete(path, payload, options)


Sets authorization header on axios instance


Removes authorization header on axios instance

api.addHeader(name, value)

Adds a header value

Kind: global function


Removes a header value


Saga API is a helper to reduce the amount of code one writes when make an ajax call. Here is your typical ajax call:

try {
    const { data } = await axios.get('/todos');
    return data;
cathch(e) {

If we were to do this inside of sagas it would look like this:

function* () {
    try {
        const { data } = yield axios.get('/todos');
        yield put(fetchSuccess(data));
    cathch(e) {
        yield put(fetchFailed(e));
    yield put(fetchDone());

As you can tell, this can get repetitive, hence why this abstraction was built. Simply put, you pass it a path, payload, success action, fail action, and optional done action. It will handle try catching for you:

yield sagaApi.put('/todos/1', { done: true }, updateSuccess, updateFail, udpateDone?);

One thing to note, if you decide to add a saga for done action, you will receive a payload of { data, error } so you can decide if you want to do anything with the data.

sagaApi.get(path, successAction, failAction, [doneAction?]), payload, successAction, failAction, [doneAction?])

sagaApi.put(path, payload, successAction, failAction, [doneAction?])

sagaApi.patch(path, payload, successAction, failAction, [doneAction?])

sagaApi.delete(path, payload, successAction, failAction, [doneAction?])

Last updated